1. Where and in which year was Adeptstation incorporated?

Adeptstation was incorporated as proprietorship firm in 2012 as Adeptstation Technologies. We updated as Adeptstation LLP on 3rd december 2018.

2. What is the area of operation of Adeptstation?

Adeptstation is a global IT consulting & services company.
The company provides end-to-end business solutions that leverage technology. The company provides solutions that span the entire software life cycle encompassing consulting, technology, engineering and outsourcing services. In addition, the Company offers software products and platforms.
With our 24X7 customer support, service and highly experienced team, we aim to develop user friendly solutions so as to achieve your desired goals.

3. Does the company have debt in its balance sheet?

Adeptstation is a debt-free company. It doesn't have any outstanding debt or fixed deposits. The company presently generates sufficient cash internally to finance all its operational, financing and investment requirements.

4. What is the address of the registered office of Adeptstation?

The address of the registered office of Adeptstation is as below.
B-215, Atlantis K-10.,
Vadodara 390007, Gujarat, India
Tel.: +91 635 909 6363
Website: www.adeptstation.com

5. When does the financial year of Adeptstation end?

The Adeptstation financial year ends on March 31.