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Benefits of using LiteSpeed Web Server for your Websites

1.Increase performance and stability With its event-driven architecture, LiteSpeed Web Server can serve thousands of clients concurrently with minimal memory consumption and CPU usage. Websites powered by LiteSpeed load faster than the websites powered by Apache. Ref: LSWS's highly optimized code serves static content faster, taking advantage of high-performance kernel syscalls, while LSAPI maximizes PHP performance. LiteSpeed serves more users, handles traffic spikes, and neutralizes DDoS attacks without new hardware investment. 2.Reduce Hardware and Support Cost LiteSpeed's licensing cost is generally far less than the hardware upgrade required to pursue (and not necessarily attain) the same results with Apache. Switching to LiteSpeed Web Server is quick and painless, meaning minimal support costs during the switch. It is now supported with cPanel/WHM license, which reduces support costs in the long run by allowing you to keep the hosting control panel and interface you and your technicians are used to while relieving you of the troubles of an overloaded server. 3.Increase Server Security LiteSpeed Web Server is mod_security compatible and has a host of built-in anti-DDoS features, like bandwidth and connection throttling. Moreover LSWS is completely compatible with Apache features including mod_rewrite, .htaccess, and mod_security. With this increased efficiency & performance stablity the end users can focus on other aspects of the business having a peace of mind. You can view/order our LiteSpeed based Shared Hosting from here:

web-hosting  linux-shared  litespeed-benefits    |   26 Sep 2015   |   by Bhaumik Kothari